Rev Pat is the Regional Representative and consultant for Unity Canada, a certified Ministry Skills Consultant and Transition Ministry Consultant, Chair of the Evolving Ministries team for Unity Worldwide Ministries and a member of UWM Standards Team, Colleague Connection Team and UWM Ethics Review System Chair of Administration. She is also a certified Spiritual Coach, a Healthy Congregations Trainer and a Quantum-process Coach.

Rev Pat Ball is the founding and senior minister of Unity Ministry in Motion, an alternative Unity ministry formed to “nurture and coach seeds of Unity in Canada to fruition”. She is also a mentor appointed by Unity Canada to guide and coach established Unity ministries and is serving in that capacity at several Unity centres.

Rev Pat lives in Calgary with her Havanese dog, Chloe, who attends all church functions and spreads unconditional love wherever she goes.  Rev Pat has 3 adult children and 9 grandchildren, in Ottawa, Calgary and San Diego. She is passionate about Unity and helping to create thriving and dynamic Unity ministries.